LTI HR Interview Questions | Real Experience - Helpwalaa - Free IT Updates & Opportunities

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LTI HR Interview Questions | Real Experience

LTI HR Questions | Real Experience

What is the most challenging moment in your life?

My biggest challenge as a student was being the student. Sitting through the conventional lectures was sometimes difficult. My mind and body were always going, and I couldn't wait to get out of my seat, move around, share my thoughts, and interact with my peers. I handled it by focusing all my energy on my listening and note-taking. It helped keep my mind busy and my body moving, and I also left with some great notes.

What one quality do you want to improve in yourself?

I would love to continue to improve my leadership skills by interacting with more people and in events

Why do you want to join LTI?

I like the company’s work culture, work ethics, work-life balance, the success it has achieved in the past 5 years.


How good you are at coding?

 - Intermediate

As you are from a CSE background, How frequently do you code?
- once or twice a day

Which feature you can add to WhatsApp?
Polls, Blur faces before sending images

Message reactions, Scheduled messages


How does the Google search engine work?

  • Google searches the web with automated programs called crawlers, looking for pages that are new or updated

  • Page ranking algo

How flexible you are with Relocation, work agreement, and shifts?

I’m more than happy to make the move for the right opportunity—and this job, with such a good work culture, is definitely that. But My Preference will be in the Maharashtra region only.


Three qualities to be a successful engineer?

“Curiosity, Creativity, Problem Solving” will enable any aspiring individual to become a successful engineer. 

Why do you want to work for this organization?

I like the company’s work culture, work ethics, work-life balance, the success it has achieved in the past 5 years. 

What motivates you to do good work?

  • I am motivated by working with other people. I found that during University, my best ideas came when working on group projects. I would bounce well off others and I found it rewarding helping to spur the team on to succeed. I enjoy relationship-building and being part of a group, so this would be my answer to what motivates me to do well in a job.

  • I believe in the Japanese concept of Ikigai which means giving your life worth, meaning, or purpose. When you surely know that you will be the beneficial one at the end then you will treat your work as invaluable and try to do things that don’t decimate its value.

What are your career options right now?

I am Looking forward to adding new skills & knowledge acquired while contributing my best to the work assigned and want to achieve a challenging role in the organization and learn from seniors and contribute to the overall organizational activities with loyalty, sincerity with dedication.

Any questions for me?

  • What technologies you can learn that can help you in your job

  • What can I expect from the company for my professional growth

  • How much time will be for the training period?

Asset answer

For any organization, 

  • S/w Engineer or developer is an important requirement for their development.

  • And for this position our company needs a candidate who is good at 

academic subjects, flexible with places, communication skills, 

technical knowledge and I'm a person with such skills.

I will use my skills and experience to the company's growth.

So, I can be an asset to our company.


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