React - The Complete Guide with React Hook Redux 2021 | Udemy | Free Course - Helpwalaa - Free IT Updates & Opportunities

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React - The Complete Guide with React Hook Redux 2021 | Udemy | Free Course

React - The Complete Guide with React Hook Redux 2021 in 4hr 

Learn how to create high performance web app with react. Hooks, Redux, React Routing, useContext, Fireabase and more

What you'll learn

Build high performance and user friendly web app
Realize the power of using component in React
Unleash the power of JavaScript with the help of React


  • A window or mac computer
  • Basic JavaScript knowledge but is not a must
  • HTML and CSS fundamentals are beneficial but not a must
  • NO JS framework experience is required


In this course you will learn to get start with React 16.8+ including what is JSX, how to use props to pass data to the children components, using the React hook useState and also styled component. We will not use more than 40 hours to talking to the same things again and again. You will learn all the react essential things within 4 hours.

Since this course is the mix of knowledge base and the project base. If you just want to learn the React knowledge fast, 4 hours is enough!!

After that we will also provide project to consolidate your understanding with react, and how to interact with backend like Firebase.

Which companies are using React now and why you need to learn?

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • T
  • Netflix
  • Yahoo! Mail
  • WhatsApp
  • Dropbox
  • Atlassian
  • Salesforce
  • New York Times.
  • Reddit
  • Cloudflare
  • Tesla
  • BBC
  • GitHub
  • PayPal
  • Uber
  • Zendesk and more...

The above list of big companies taking huge leaps to embrace React, which signifies the extent to which the technology has raised its bars.

What you will learn in this course?

  • Es6
  • React components
  • Jsx
  • Functional component
  • Props
  • State
  • List
  • Styled component
  • Redux
  • UI framework like Reactstrap, Materializecss
  • Firebase

Who this course is for:

Anyone who want to start a career with React
Anyone who want to take the web development skills to the next level
Anyone who are interested in learning the most update technology

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