How to Install PostgreSQL on Windows 10 - Helpwalaa - Free IT Updates & Opportunities

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How to Install PostgreSQL on Windows 10

How to Install PostgreSQL on Windows 10

Steps : 

2) If I am using windows then 

4) Check Versions & Os again
OS - 
Linux x86-64bit
Linux x86-32bit
Mac OS X
Windows x86-64bit
Windows x86-32bit

5 ) Check your os & how much bit it is and download

6) After this run the setup 

The PostgreSQL setup wizard welcome dialog

The PostgreSQL setup wizard welcome dialog

Click Next to continue. The Installation Directory window opens.

The Installation Directory dialog

The Installation Directory dialog

Accept the default installation directory, or specify an alternate location and click Next to continue.

The Select Components dialog

The Select Components dialog

Click Next to continue. The Data Directory window opens.

The Data Directory dialog

The Data Directory dialog

Accept the default location or specify the name of the alternate directory in which you wish to store the data files, and click Next to continue.

The Password window opens.

The Password dialog

The Password dialog

PostgreSQL uses the password specified on the Password window for both the database superuser and the PostgreSQL service account.

PostgreSQL runs as a service in the background; the PostgreSQL service account is named postgres. If you have already created a service account with the name postgres, you must specify same password as the existing password for the postgres service account.

The specified password must conform to any security policies existing on the PostgreSQL host. After entering a password in the Password field, and confirming the password in the Retype Password field, click Next to continue.

The Port dialog

The Port dialog

Use the Port field to specify the port number on which the server should listen. The default listener port is 5432. Click Next to continue.

The Advanced Options dialog

The Advanced Options dialog

Use the Locale field to specify the locale that will be used by the new database cluster. The Default locale is the operating system locale. Click Next to continue.

The Pre Installation Summary dialog

The Pre Installation Summary dialog

The Pre Installation Summary dialog displays the installation preferences that you have specified with the installation wizard. Review the settings; you can use the Back button to return to a previous dialog to modify a setting, or click Next to continue.

The Ready to Install dialog

The Ready to Install dialog

The wizard will inform you that it has the information required to install PostgreSQL; click Next to continue.

The Installing dialog

The Installing dialog

During the installation, the setup wizard confirms the installation progress of PostgreSQL via a series of progress bars.

The installation wizard offers to Launch Stack Builder at exit

The installation wizard offers to Launch Stack Builder at exit

Before the setup wizard completes the PostgreSQL installation, it offers to launch Stack Builder at exit.

The Stack Builder utility provides a graphical interface that downloads and installs applications and drivers that work with PostgreSQL. You can optionally uncheck the Stack Builder box and click Finish to complete the PostgreSQL installation or accept the default and proceed to Stack Builder.

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