GeeksforGeeks Placement Preparation Course For Product-based Companies | Free - Helpwalaa - Free IT Updates & Opportunities

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GeeksforGeeks Placement Preparation Course For Product-based Companies | Free

Placement Preparation Course

For Product-based Companies
Free placement course focusing on MCQs and
coding questions to make it easier for you to
appear for any product-based company

 Candidates looking Preparation for
product-based companies


Course Features
1. Practice Tracks
Well-compiled theoretical articles.
Coding Practice questions on topics related to Data Structures & Algorithms like Arrays, LinkedList, Searching, Sorting, etc.
2. Five Practice Contests
Contest Duration: 1 Hour
2 Coding Questions
The contests are designed in a way to make you prepare for one-to-one face interviews.
A standard interview round is of 1 Hour duration and you are expected to solve at least 2 problems. 
All of the problems are function problems, i.e. you need to complete only a given function rather than writing complete code.
You can also access hints while solving problems, using hints will deduct marks.
3. Course Completion Certificate

Course Registration

Course Link :

File:Enroll Now.png - Wikimedia Commons

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