Receive a Google Cloud Platform t-shirt! - Helpwalaa - Free IT Updates & Opportunities

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Receive a Google Cloud Platform t-shirt!

Are you currently enrolled in one of our Specializations? If yes, we encourage you to complete a GCP Specializations from the list below from November 5 - November 30, 2019 for an opportunity to receive a free GCP t-shirt (while supplies last)!
If selected, we'll email you a redemption code and instructions to claim your t-shirt. Hurry, supplies are limited.
Additionally, share your Specialization certificate publicly on social media to be featured on our pages. Please include following hashtag & handles:
  • Twitter: #GCPChallenge19 @Coursera @GoogleCloud
  • Facebook: #GCPChallenge19 @Coursera @GCP
  • Instagram: #GCPChallenge19 @Coursera @GoogleCloud
  • LinkedIn: #GCPChallenge19 @Coursera @GoogleCloud
List of eligible Specializations:
Upon completion, keep an eye out for an email with a redemption code and instructions to claim your t-shirt. Hurry, supplies are limited. (Emails will be sent out once a week from now until December 3, 2019)
Thank you for being part of our Coursera GCP Community, good luck and happy learning.
The Google Cloud Training team

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