2 Ways To Add A Forum In Blogger/Blogspot - Helpwalaa - Free IT Updates & Opportunities

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2 Ways To Add A Forum In Blogger/Blogspot

If you want to build quality readers list than interaction with them is must. To fulfill their desires and to help them first you need to know what they need actually. The very first thing a webmaster must know is where the visitors are facing problems. One solution to such issue is Forums. It's a way through which people can interact between themselves and even a blog owner can find out the big issues faced by many people. 

Add A Forum In Blogger Forum is a platform where visitors can start new threads or topic based on their query. This would generate comments and thus results in a discussion with solution to your question. Anyone registered with forum can make a question that can be resolved or answered by others. 

If you can't afford a new domain and hosting then here's a free alternative. Simply follow the steps given below to create free forum in blogspot. 

How To Add Forum In Blogger Using Nabble

In this method we're going to use an online third-party website. Go through step by step tutorial given below.

Click Create Free Forum on the home page.

Fill the required details such as user name, email address, password, forum name and description (Remember that this account will be the moderator of the forum). 

Click on Create Account and check you mail to activate nabble account (keep in mind that you must activate your account in order to have access to all features).

Navigate toOptions>>Application>>Change Appearance. Here you can edit several things such as font, color, preferences and CSS. Add your own CSS to provide it look.

Change Forum Appearance

Now go to Application>>Change Application Type. There you can categorize your forum to make it appear real. Choose category according to your need and click on Save Changes.

You can modify several other things from application menu such as name, description, language, domain name, title, mega tag, add-ons and Google analytics.

To add categories in your blog go to Options>>Structure>> Create New Sub-Forum. Provide it name and description then click on Create Sub-Forum.

Rest of the things you can easily edit which are manage pinned topics, manage sub-forums and Users (Change permission, manage users & groups, manage subscribers, manage banned users).

It's not over yet, after that we need to put newly created forum code in our blogger blog. 

Navigate toOptions>>Embedding options. On the next page copy theJavaScript Code and save it anywhere.

Login into your blogger dashboard then select Pages and create a new blank page. Name it as Forum.

Go to HTML mode. 

Paste the code you saved earlier in the box and publish the page. That's it, simply open this web page and you will see nabble forum. 

If the above method doesn't work for you then give it a try.

Copy the Script from embedding option and save it in Notepad.

Now navigate to Design >> Edit HTML and search for following piece of code.

<div id='content-wrapper'>

Add the following codes just above the line you searched for.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "FORUM URL"'>

JavaScript Code


Replace red color text with your forum URL and blue with code you saved in notepad.

Add following code just above</head> tag in your template.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "FORUM URL"'>
<style type='text/css'>
#content-wrapper {
display:none !important;

If you don't find code mentioned in orange color then search for this code.

<div class='columns fauxcolumns'>

Add following code just above the previous step code.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "FORUM URL"'>
JavaScript Code

Replace red, blue color code.

Now paste this code just above </head> tag.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "FORUM URL"'>
<style type='text/css'>
.columns, .fauxcolumns {
display:none !important;

You're done.

Add Forum In Blogger Using Google Groups

Navigate to Google Groups and fill required details then click onCreate.

Google Group As Forum

Click on Invite people to join group to build some strength.

Then go to Customize your group's setting. On the next page you will see an option toembedding your group

Just copy the code next to it and save it temporary anywhere.

Go to blogger and create a new blank page. Paste the code in the HTML section and publish page.

Open this page and there you can see your forum.

If you've any doubt regarding this tutorial then leave a comment. We would be happy to help you.

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